Prepare a seed stock
Wash several crystals to remove amorphous precipitate
Stabilize the crystals
suspend the crystals in a non-dissolving precipitant solution (usually
10% above the reservoir precipitant concentration)
work at a temperature that does not dissolve the crystals.
Crush the crystals in a glass homogenizer
This seed stock can be stored at constant temperature for later use
Serial dilution
Perform serial dilutions of the seeds to give final dilutions of 1 in 1000
to 1 in 10,000,000
Dilute using the stabilizing precipitant solution.
Streakseed preequilibrated drops using seeds from different dilutions
Add a drop of seeds from different dilutions
If nucleation is independent of the dilution, the precipitant concentration
in the seeds solutions should be lowered
If there is a sudden decrease in the number of crystals obtained, increase
the precipitant concentration in the seeds
© 1999-2005 Airlie J McCoy,
University of Cambridge. All rights reserved.
Last updated:
7 June, 2005