Make the streakseeder
- Mount a rabbit whisker on the end of a toothpick with melted wax
- Degrease the whisker with ethanol/methanol, wash in water, and dry
- Alternatively, wash a previously used probe with water, and dry
- A good whisker should be able to transfer seeds evenly to up to a dozen
- Touch a crystal with the whisker: seeds will be dislodged by friction
- Streak the whisker across the centre of pre-equilibrated drops
- Keep the distance the whisker travels in air to a minimum
- Sitting drops are better than hanging drops for streakseeding as they do
not dry out as much while the coverslip is off
© 1999-2005 Airlie J McCoy,
University of Cambridge. All rights reserved.
Last updated:
7 June, 2005