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New Step 2 Commands

COLOUR_TEXT_REGION x y x1 y1 colour

Sets the colour for TEXT command output. Similar syntax to COLOUR_REGION, FONT_REGIONetc.

COLOUR_LINE_REGION x y x1 y1 colour

Set the colour for LINEs in a region.

CALCONS x y x1 y1

Calculate conservation values according to Zvelebil et al. for the designated region. (See Livingstone &Barton 1993 for details and further refs)


If CONSCAL has been used, then mask residues according to the conservation cutoff.

e.g. MASK CONSERVATION 10 would mask all identities, MASK CONSERVATION 6 would mask reasonably conserved positions. See examples for more on this command.

HELIX x1 y x2

Draw a helix from x1 to x2 of sequence y.

STRAND x1 y x2

Draw a strand from x1 to x2 of sequence y.

COIL x1 y x2

Draw a coil (horizontal line) from x1 to x2 of sequence y.

RELATIVE_TO<seqnum> <startnum>

Set reference numbers to work relative to sequence number <seqnum>. This means that in all subsequent commands, ALSCRIPT will translate your x values into absolute position values in the alignment. This is extremely useful since you can annotate your alignment using your favourite sequences as a reference point. You no longer have to translate every x position into the alignment position.

<startnum> is optional. If present, it specifies what the first residue in the displayed sequence is. For example, you may be showing residues 200-500 of a sequence, so <startnum> would be 200 rather than the default of 1. Warning - this is a very new feature and bounds checking is not fully enabled for it.

You can use RELATIVE_TOseveral times in the command file to annotate different sequences. RELATIVE_TO0 resets to the ``normal'' alignment numbering.